Canadian Business Tribune has audiences in both Canada and United States. Most of our audience are business owners, entrepreneurs and professionals in advertising/marketing/public relations.
Currently, we have 3 ad slots available:
Top Leaderboard (ad size: 728×90 pixels) $500 per month
Sidebar Top Large Rectangle (ad size: 336×280 pixels) $350 per month
Sidebar Bottom Large Rectangle (ad size: 336×280 pixels) $300 per month
Once you’ve completed payment, please send us your ad banner creative (JPG/PNG/GIF formats accepted), your website link along with the transaction ID from PayPal to advertise [at] perpetual [dot] pub.
Guaranteed: If we are not able to serve your ad within 14 days for any reason (ie. if one of our existing advertisers decide to renew with us for the same ad slot), we will issue you a full refund.